Aug 21, 2018
Olya Grynyshyn

3 Ways to Help Break Out of Your Marketing Rut

When new companies arise, everyone seems to have the energy and time to invest into marketing strategies and efforts.

At some point during the life of a business, however, many businesses may stop being innovative with their marketing and might fall into what we call a “marketing rut.” There are many things that you can do to revamp your marketing strategies without making a dent in our marketing budget.

VESS’s CEO, Ernesto Santillan, gives you his top 3 marketing tips for when you feel your strategy is in a rut.

  1. Piggyback ride from existing, successful campaigns.
    Sharing is caring. A lot of business that have already found success with their social media are always looking for collaboration. If you have a marketing team, suggest for them to partner up and collaborate with these existing businesses to create campaigns that are mutually beneficial. Create a funnel for a new audience you previously didn’t have access to. It is important to note that if you are creative enough you won’t need to spend any of your budget on this. It’s about learning what your potential partner’s needs are and identifying ways to help them succeed.
  2. Database is king.
    One of the fastest and inexpensive ways to create revenue is through referrals. If your marketing team has done their homework, you should already have a way to gain and manage clients’ data. If this is so, sending continuous correspondence to them is crucial. During the few last years, SMS marketing has actually become stronger for staying top of mind with your clients. It is easier for a client to copy and paste your information through their cell phone you sent for a referral, than to go through their emails and find you. Random text messages that are relevant to the community, wishing them happy birthday, reminders of holidays, and updates to your business will keep your contacts reminded of the great work you’ve done for them and would have instant access for referrals. An easy platform for you to transfer your existing data into SMS is
  3. Grassroots Marketing
    Having your marketing team picking up the phone and calling clients, businesses, or organizations to create opportunities for referral is critical. This day and age when everyone has now gone digital, keeping it old school will set you apart. If your team can invest a few hours a week on identifying businesses that could funnel new business, the return will be very high. As an example, if you are an insurance company and are seeking to acquire more clients, maybe you can collaborate with a successful body shop for cross-promotion and avenues for referral. If you sell pens, who sells paper?


If you are a company that wants to take your business to the next level, and are in need of a marketing team who can brings these elements to the table, you can contact us at [email protected] or 512-368-4707.