The Importance of Having a Website
Aug 09, 2022

The Importance of Having a Website

Even if your business has existed for many years without a website, there are many benefits to getting one up and running in today’s economy. A website can help a business grow and thrive, as you can offer services and access to your products whenever it is convenient to your customer. You can also reach a much wider audience and help people connect to your mission and vision through social media engagement.


Benefits of a Website

A website allows you to reach a greater number of customers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Through SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you will be easier to find on the web by setting up your website with key terms specifically related to your business. Most website builders will ask you to select these specific terms related to your business to drive traffic to your website through search engines like Google. 

Also, having a presence online can help with brand awareness and keeping the vision of your business fresh and public facing. Having social media accounts, such as Facebook and Twitter, can also help drive traffic to your website and grow your business, keeping you more connected to your customers. 

Even if you have a traditional brick and mortar store, there are benefits to using both; let your website support all of the business you do on a daily basis in your store.


Compare Benefits:

Brick and mortarWebsite
  • Direct contact with customers
  • Product is tangible
  • Easy to relate in person
  • Convenience of location
  • Immediate and 24 hour service
  • Reach customers all over the world
  • A curated selection of products 
Keep in mind that you should update your website regularly, even if what you are selling does not change. To keep your customers engaged in your business, you should have blogs and links to other social media to keep engagement up!

Creating a Website

You can hire consultants to help design, maintain, and launch your website. Companies (such as ours) can also manage your website and social media accounts to help you reach a larger audience, keep engagement going with your customers, and be consistent with your messaging. There are website design sites that are user friendly and can give your brand the sleek, sophisticated look that it deserves. Some popular sites to build your website include:


Best for blogs, forums, and selling services; considered best overall

– SquareSpace

Best template design

– Shopify

Best for selling multiple products online


Each of these websites offers a free trial to start with, which will allow you to explore, design, and try out the site’s features. However, if you either don’t have time to maintain a website or are not tech savvy, you can always hire a consultant at Vess to assist with the building of your website and keep your business thriving through an online presence.